I thought it would be terrible, the day I woke up in this house alone. Since the day that Jane died, the place has echoed with her memory. There was a yawning Jane-shaped gap. I imagined it ringing with deafening silence as I searched for her from room to room. Today was that day. The […]
The Night that Jane Died
The night before Jane died, I got home a little later than I had said I would. We bundled into the car and dropped Elsie at Mary-Anne and Lynne’s with various bags of hers and Ed’s. Then we went straight to the Rialto and saw Enduring Love. It’s not an uplifting movie. It has its […]
Dan’s Blogs
This is my personal blog. I don’t use it much. Usually. It feels right to do this now. I am more active in my “work” blog Sociocorpus. Today I made a post about Jane there, too.
Holding on and Letting Go
Some respite from constant pain today permitted small forays into Life Goes On. Nice weather continues to ease this whole process. I’m starting to set small areas of the house straight. As I do that, I even spot small opportunities to rearrange things just a little differently, just a shade more to my liking. I […]
Jane is Dead: One Week In
OK movie posts are over. For now. I have a lot of processing to do and I’m going to do some of it by writing. Some of that I’m going to do here. Yes, as the title says, my Lovely, Beautiful Jane is Dead. She died a week ago on Saturday, 23 July, peacefully while […]
the Business of Strangers
In the words of Jay Sherman, “it stinks”. I’ve seen worse, of course, but why this got good reviews, I don’t know. Because it has slightly more psychological investigation than the actually crap movies? Because it explores power and abuse? These redeeming features unfortunately don’t make up for the unconvincing delivery of a not particularly […]
A simple story well-told. Not as much a sexual awakening for Heidi as a parents’ nightmare running-away-from-home story. Coming of age seems more likely for Joe as he explores opportunities for human connection that so rarely come his way. Not as layered as Lantana or Father’s Den. Some moments are dull, clunky or sentimental. The […]
OK, so this blog doesn’t have anything in it except movie reviews. I like movies. And you can think I haven’t got anything else going on in my life, if you like. Actually, whether I do or not, I will continue to take the time to watch Braindead at least once every ten years. It […]
Perhaps Luc Besson actually called it “Metro”. Either way, it’s dated. Recognisable as having been stylish and kinda snappy, now it seems, though colourful, a bit loose and pointless – unless you like it that the main character, and some of his buddies, are just like that in contrast to the dulled-down drones populating the […]
Continuing our Hertzog/Kinski tour, we watched their Nosferatu, but not before watching the one of ‘fore-grandfather’ FW Murnau. Equally scary, sensuous and vastly bleak, the two are distinguished primarily by their thematic content. While Murnau’s references are mythological and timeless, Hertzog’s might be the intervening German experience. The inhuman horror of the vampire that Murnau […]