Love Poem

Old Rex reminded me of a poem that I wrote. Jane and I had arranged to meet for coffee to celebrate International Poetry Day (I think it was March 21). Somehow Jane persuaded me that I had to compose a poem in time for our meeting. So I scratched something onto an office slip before I dashed out the door. I’m sure Jane didn’t write one but, in my excitement that I actually had, I overlooked that.

A couple of months later, when I re-used the poem as the inscription on a wedding card for some friends, Jane took offence and gave me back the original slip. She considered that I had spoiled the gift. I’d rather thought that it was my poem to do what I liked with. We never really resolved that but I did end up with the original that I managed to sift from a pile of household chaff this morning, so here it is.


     Reaching, I gently touch your heart
     Across unfathomable space and time
     And you touch mine

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